
How long does the listing verification process take?
Listing verification takes up to 3 working days. If you face any more problems or have any questions for the team, click here to ...
Tue, 3 Aug, 2021 at 3:50 PM
Why is my listing still unverified?
Thank you for listing your home with us! We normally take up to 3 days to verify your listing. If you have just listed your home, please give us more time...
Tue, 3 Aug, 2021 at 3:50 PM
My listing has been removed. Why?
If your listing has been removed, it could be due to one of the reasons mentioned below. Your listing did not meet some of the requirement(s) - Incompl...
Tue, 3 Aug, 2021 at 3:50 PM
I have not received any proposals since I listed my property.
For you to receive proposals from agents for your listing, it has to first be verified by us. After that, you will then be able to receive proposals from A...
Tue, 3 Aug, 2021 at 3:50 PM
Can I list multiple properties at the same time?
Yes. As a seller on, you can list multiple properties at once. If you face any more problems or have any questions for the team, click&a...
Tue, 3 Aug, 2021 at 3:50 PM
How long will my listing be live on the app?
Verified listings remain live until the seller has accepted a proposal from a agent to sell their property. If you face any more problems or have any quest...
Tue, 3 Aug, 2021 at 3:50 PM
How do I chat with an Agent?
As a seller, you're able to chat with an agent once you have an existing live invite or proposal. If you face any more problems or have any questions f...
Tue, 3 Aug, 2021 at 3:49 PM
Can Agents see my listing if it has not been verified?
Yes, for the first 14 days. After 14 days, if we are unable to contact you to verify your listing, your listing will be removed. If you face any more probl...
Tue, 3 Aug, 2021 at 3:51 PM
Can I sell my property without an Agent on
No, you can't! is a platform for sellers to find agents to sell their property. If you face any more problems or have any questions for the Pr...
Tue, 3 Aug, 2021 at 3:52 PM
Can I start selling immediately once I register an account with
Sellers are required to list a property for sale during account registration. Once the listing has been verified, sellers can start sending offers and re...
Tue, 3 Aug, 2021 at 3:53 PM